SELinux on debian

Having spent several hours trying to figure out what was causing the following, it turns out that the selinux policy installer hadn't noticed I was running SSH, and thus hadn't loaded the module to allow it. "semodule -i /usr/share/selinux/refpolicy-strict/ssh.pp" loaded the module, then "restorecon -R -v /usr/sbin" reset the security tags to say that sshd belongs to ssh.

sshd[2454]: Accepted password for shish from port 40878 ssh2
sshd[2457]: (pam_unix) session opened for user shish by (uid=0)
sshd[2457]: Unable to get valid context for shish, No valid tty
sshd[2457]: error: PAM: pam_open_session(): Authentication failure
sshd[2457]: error: Failed to get default security context for shish.Continuing in permissive mode
sshd[2454]: error: Failed to get default security context for shish.Continuing in permissive mode
sshd[2454]: error: security_compute_relabel(/dev/pts/1) failed: Invalid argument
sshd[2460]: error: Failed to get default security context for shish.Continuing in permissive mode
sshd[2446]: error: chown /dev/pts/0 0 0 failed: Permission denied
sshd[2446]: error: chmod /dev/pts/0 0666 failed: Permission denied

2008-10-24 09:37:51 -0500
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